The Wrath of Grendel
The horrifying Grendel crept around with his iphone just knocking anyone out that he could find. It only took one swing with the magnificent weapon to send someone to the ground. He didn't care who it was that he ate the only one he didn't mess with was King Hrothgar. Hrothgar was protected by the mac book and everyone knew not to ever mess with someone with power like that.
The coming of Beowulf
Beowulf the strongest and most intelligent of all men was called upon by his leader Higlac to go and take care of this mighty creature. Higlac sent him a wall post on facebook asking him to go fight this creature. Beowulf was different then most things he was wiser that any man alive but what was really different than anything else was that he carried a Wii. He would just swing it around and knock someone out. Beawulf sailed across the sea for days and finally made it to shore when they got there a danish watchmen asked them many questions. The people of Herot knew that he was coming because the watchmen played his ipod.
The battle with Grendel
Grendel kept coming day after day just eating folks left and right. So Beowulf knew it would not be long before Grendel showed up. Then the time came Grendel came creaping up there slowly and silently. All fourteen of Beowulfs men were asleep but not him. He was wide awake just waiting for this monster to show up. He caught him from surprise Grendel never knew he was there. He was so stunned he screamed like a girl waking everyone up but by the time they woke up Beowulf had ripped his arm of and Grendel ran way to go die in his cave. All the people celebrated as Beowulf hung Grendel's arm from the rafters. Everything was peaceful until someone brought up Grendel's Mother.
The battle with Grendel's mother
Grendel's mother was a mean old lady and she had the power of the GPS. She knew exactly where you were and it was very hard for Beowulf to sneak up on her. He spend days looking for her and finally found her under the sea in a cave filled with jewels. His men were to scared to go in with him so they decided to stay outside.They stood there in there hybrid cars. Grindel's mother was heated at Beowulf because he took her son's life. It took him many hours to kill her but finally got it done.
The horrifying Grendel crept around with his iphone just knocking anyone out that he could find. It only took one swing with the magnificent weapon to send someone to the ground. He didn't care who it was that he ate the only one he didn't mess with was King Hrothgar. Hrothgar was protected by the mac book and everyone knew not to ever mess with someone with power like that.
The coming of Beowulf
Beowulf the strongest and most intelligent of all men was called upon by his leader Higlac to go and take care of this mighty creature. Higlac sent him a wall post on facebook asking him to go fight this creature. Beowulf was different then most things he was wiser that any man alive but what was really different than anything else was that he carried a Wii. He would just swing it around and knock someone out. Beawulf sailed across the sea for days and finally made it to shore when they got there a danish watchmen asked them many questions. The people of Herot knew that he was coming because the watchmen played his ipod.
The battle with Grendel
Grendel kept coming day after day just eating folks left and right. So Beowulf knew it would not be long before Grendel showed up. Then the time came Grendel came creaping up there slowly and silently. All fourteen of Beowulfs men were asleep but not him. He was wide awake just waiting for this monster to show up. He caught him from surprise Grendel never knew he was there. He was so stunned he screamed like a girl waking everyone up but by the time they woke up Beowulf had ripped his arm of and Grendel ran way to go die in his cave. All the people celebrated as Beowulf hung Grendel's arm from the rafters. Everything was peaceful until someone brought up Grendel's Mother.
The battle with Grendel's mother
Grendel's mother was a mean old lady and she had the power of the GPS. She knew exactly where you were and it was very hard for Beowulf to sneak up on her. He spend days looking for her and finally found her under the sea in a cave filled with jewels. His men were to scared to go in with him so they decided to stay outside.They stood there in there hybrid cars. Grindel's mother was heated at Beowulf because he took her son's life. It took him many hours to kill her but finally got it done.
Final Battle
After the battle he headed back to his homeland. The king died away and the they decided to pass the power of the geats to Beawulf. He was a very mighty man that they believed in. He was loyal to them and then the day came when the dragons showed up. He went to fight them and only one of his friends went with him because everyone else was scared. Wiglaf was the only one that stayed and the only reason he stayed because he had the power of myspace. The other men jumped on there high speed internet and left. Beawolf fought the dragon for a while and finally took him down. In the process he took a hard blow and ended up dying but before he deceased he gave his power to Wiglaf if he promised to burn him and put him at the top of the hill. Wiglaf did that exact thing. Everone mourned at Beawolfs dealth and the burned his body and the men rode around him one man even rode his megacab dodge around him. It was a very sad time and no one could believe he was really gone.
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