Thursday, October 29, 2009

Letter to me

Dear Matthew I hope everything you have planned for has come true. I am sure your plans will change but i am sure you will accomplish something that will make your life worth while. You have been in school for a really long time to not go on and finish your education. I think you will have a awesome family with a great wife and a big house with many wonderful children running around. You future goal is becoming a hospital administrator and i really think you will accomplish it. It will take a lot of schooling but if you stick with it it will pay off in the end. Fight for everything you believe in and in the end you will touch a lot of people in your life.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Coach Rhodes

Coach Rhodes man there are many fond memories of him. I really cant pick one that really stands out to me because everything he has always said has been encouraging and truthful. If you ever see him he always has a big smile on his face and is always thinking positive. If you ever need a good word of advice or your just having a bad day you can always count on Coach Rhodes to pick you up and put a smile on your face. I always remember his one saying "its a great day to be a bobcat" i will always remember that as long as I live. He is a great person and has impacted a lot of people's life in many ways.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Graduation is a time in every persons life that they are just really for. I mean i really like high school and all the wonderful sports but the thought of being on my own and taking responsibility for myself just sounds a lot funner. Every kid dreams about the opportunity to be on your own and buy what you want and do what you want. Mom is no there anymore to tell you what time to be home but she is also not there to had out money when you need it. I am really ready to graduate even though it is going to be a big step in my life.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Story of a Troll

Once upon a time in far away land there was a troll named Victoria. She was mean ole witch that stunk of mustard and onions. She hid under a sycamore tree because no body wanted anything to do with her because she had a awful stench. She went from house to house looking for a bath and no one would except her because they were scared she would rob them blind.
Then she found a house that was built into the rocks she was never scared of anything but this house made her tremble her arms shook and her eyes twitched. She didn't want to approach the house but because she was in dying need of a bath she preceded. Victoria crept up to the door and knocking on it very gently. She was amazed at what she saw when she opened the door. It was a troll just like her she fell in love with him at first sight and so did he. He let her take a bath and they fell in love and got married then lived haply ever after.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Homecoming is a great time to spend with all are fellow classmates.It brings in the old and in the new it is a great atmosphere everyone getting hipped up for the big game Friday night. There are dress up days all week. Then there is the parade and then the pep-a-rally. It is a great time for everyone to get together and back the bobcats.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Swine flu

H1N1 or Swine flu is a virus that is usually found in swine. Everyone is exposed to it but different people have different immunity to it. Symptoms for the swine flu are similar to the occasional flu such as high fever, cough, sore throat, headache, chills, muscle aches, diarrhea, and vomiting. Most people who become infected will recover without any treatment. Doctors can prescribe different antiviral drugs to help treat the symptoms. America's count of swine flu cases have risen to 21,444 and the numbers of deaths have risen to 87. This is a really serious problem and many people need to take steps to end this virus.